Addicted to TWIX & I can't stop!
Dearest Kristi -
Thank you for your kind words. I knew that there were still good people on here. I am glad you responded to my post. I use to go on the LW forum all the time. I have never been very heavy. I do feel like I have started failing myself... & my family. I put my 7 year old daughter & my husband through hell when I decided to have RNY. I looked like the walking dead. Because of the all the problems I had right after my RNY procedure I never had a chance to get my pouch used to Vitamins. I wasn't even able to take any until I was 3+ months out. I am sure this is part of the reason my pouch is still so sensitive to some of them.
I will be on the LW board again. I actually kept my promise to myself. My last TWIX was eaten & I started to get back on my Eliptical. I only got 15 minutes under my belt tonight. But... That's a good start. I am going to try to do it every day & gradually increase in 1-5 minute intervals. I know I can do it. I just have to keep telling myself that I can... I really want to get rid of these last few pounds I put back on & get back into a size 8-10. I am wearing a 12-13 now. I know I can do better! Wish me luck - I am gonna hop on the LW board right now. Also - I wasn't able to see where you are located. I know you had surgery @ Kaiser Richmond but I wasn't sure what city you live in. Do you go to the Richmond Groups? I use to. I haven't been in Forever! I should stop by & catch up with all my old WLS friends.
Your post caught my eye.. it's been a very long time since I've posted. I'm home recovering from shoulder surgery, after flipping a quad.. see what WLS will do to you, haha! totally joking, just know that my 244 lb. self would have never been on a quad..
After downing practically an entire box of delicious crackers yesterday I realized there are certain foods I can't have in the house..I've been fortunate to have kept all my weight off give or take 5 lbs. after 2.5 yrs...You should be able to come here and confess..I told my MIL the other day that I'd eaten 3 bananas in a day, lack of sleep and only 1 arm working excuse, she said only eat one! haga yep, if it were that simple I would have never needed surgery..still have issues, will have to battle them forever..
Just a suggestion to contact your surgeon, have him run your labs, esp. your iron..have you had an endoscopy to check for an vits. make me nauseated sometimes too, can only do chewables..
Best of luck to you...I'm here, you can send me a message and I'll give you my addy..
aka: one armed wonder;)
A friend from our support group mentioned that one of the protein bars she buys taste exactly like a twix, her words. I know they're "Oh Yea" brand and that it's the smaller "grab and go" size bar, as opposed to the larger bars and that she buys them at Vitamin Shoppe. Unfortunately, I'm not sure of the exact flavor that tastes like twix. They usually sell for 2 for $3, which is obviously more than a candy bar but if you can get your fix and some protein, it's worth it.
And honestly another thing that helped me get back on track was coming back to this board after being away for few months. Sure there are some pretty blunt people but sometimes thats what we need. People in our lives are quick to ease our feelings with "oh one won't hurt you" or "don't worry, you'll lose more next week". I spent years putting off things til "next week". Being here makes us more accountable. There is nothing you cannot do if you really want to. Much luck at getting back on track. ;D
Diane C.
I am glad that you replied the way you did to my post. If you are a passionate person who speaks this way - Then you were just being yourself. I can't fault you for who you are. I don't know you & it is not my place. Something that I feel I need to point out is that I did not sugar coat anything about me on my original post - I came on asking for advise from anyone who could help..
You were right when you said that " You obviously have no idea how much you are harming yourself by not taking them." This is why I was posting here. To get help & become more educated & aware. Also you mention that chocolate has caffeine in it.. I never realized this until you pointed it out. I have known for a long time that chocolate contains caffeine but it never dawned on me that I was eating chocolate & therefore I was also eating caffeine. Also - I did post a reply explaining all the different types of vitamins I have tried. I did not just wake up 1 day & decide not to take any vitamins. I have never been able to take them. On going since surgery. I have always assumed most of my issues were stemming from Vitamin issues. This was a no brainer. But- I have worked with my PCP, Surgeon & nutritionist.. I have gotten lots of suggestions that never really work for my Testy Pouch.
I never said that anyone else was at fault for my issues with vitamins or Twix or anything else for that matter. I think it is important that I tell you all of this because your post may have seemed NORMAL or appropriate for you & the people who are familiar with you. But I do not know you & you do not know me. You are judging me with such harshness & you come off as you being rude. Maybe you did not realize this or maybe you did & just didn't care. I would hate to think of how many other people you have spoken to in this way that have walked away from OH when they really needed support. We all come on here for support. That includes TOUGH LOVE! I get plenty of that from my friends & family. I came on OH, like many others, so that I could see if I was the only person having this issue. I also came on OH so that I could get help from real people who have had to deal with the same things i have dealt with. Tough love does not always help people. Sometimes it does the opposite & destroys them.
You have the right to post a response in any way that you choose. I just want you to know that sometimes the words you use can cut people far deeper than you ever intended them to. I hope that in the future you continue to stay true to who you are. But, reevaluate your harsh words before you post them. You should get a feel for a person before you post any comment that could hurt them or cause them any type of pain. After all we are all human & we all make mistakes. Hopefully we can also learn from them
Sara - Novato, CA
TiaNina -
Thank you for this post. This was they type of reply I wanted. I am glad that you posted this. I do have people in my life who constantly tell me to quit eating the TWIX... It's not that easy. I get PISSED when my husband even tries to take a bite of 1... He is my biggest supporter. He is worried about me a lot. So is my mom, dad.... = None of these people make excuses for me. I get told straight up from them ALL THE TIME! This is why I thought it would be good for me to hear POSITIVE words of ENCOURAGEMENT.. like the ones you and a few other people have posted. If people read my post(S) you will see that I know I have screwed up - I am not asking for sugar coating but ADVISE=COACHING=GUIDaNCE=A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON=A HELPING HAND..< I do not think I was acting like a PRINCESS at all.. Maybe some people miss understood my posts.
I stopped coming on this site a while back because of people like DIANE C. I will say that people like you are the reason why I still come back when I am stuck. You will help alot of people with you kind, helpful words that are not sugar coated & not COLD HEARTED.
I have no one out here who has had this surgery. I am the first person I know who went through with it. I am glad I did. But... I don't have the support from someone like you - Who has battled the same demons I have & am at this time. It allows me to feel human... To know that I am not the only F**k up. I hope that you continue to succeed. I truly want the best for you. Thank you so much for the info on the Protein bars. I would love to try it but I am going to pass for fear that the taste alone with cause me to become addicted to them as well. It's a new behavior for me. I have never had an addiction to anything like this. Really strange feeling.
Thank you again for caring about me enough to post here!.
Novato, CA + Age 28